My son is the sun and the moon, because that is what he is asking. I think I should take Jupiter as a factor for performance, as it is a 5th house thing. If this is the case, Jupiter is not in good position, is in loss, receives only some dignity and neither Moon, nor Sun as per Rx, period. Moon is fond of Jupiter, Jupiter is there in exalted sign, but it is not reciprocated, nor has any aspect on it. Sun is under the influence of Jupiter and has dignity only according to duration, which protects it from transmigration. Of course, their thought is on display, they care a lot about it being in the 5th, although it has nothing to do with Jupiter.
What answer is no? I feel the same way. The Moon’s next aspect is an opposition to the Sun, which can create tension and then conflict. The RX, which is in decline on Mars, is in really bad shape.
I also checked POF, as it is about success, Saturn, its ruler does not aspect my son’s karaka.
Thank you in advance.