Every day, your body receives a wealth of sensory information. five senses Of sound, sight, touch, smell or taste. Have Information related to your brain and nervous systemWhere it is processed, so that appropriate reactions can be performed. But sometimes when it all becomes too much and you’re feeling overstimulated, all you want to do is turn off work and do nothing. Sound familiar?
However, there is actually a clinical term for what you are feeling. sensory overload “This is what we all experience when we have too much sensory input,” says april snowLMFT works with a marriage and family therapist based in California highly sensitive And introverted people. When the incoming sensory input exceeds what your nervous system can process, the nervous system misinterprets it as a threat, and it can push it in. hyperarousal (fight or flight) or hypoarousal (freezing)Snow explains (more on this later).
Thankfully, with the right strategies, we can learn to regulate and manage the effects of sensory overload, says Caitlin SlavensMC, RPsych, is a registered psychologist based in Canada who works regularly with parents experiencing extreme arousal. Here, our expert therapist explains more about sensory overload and shares tips on managing overstimulation.
What causes sensory overload?
“If you’re already experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, or going through a lot of stress, you’re more likely to experience sensory overload because your nervous system is already taxed,” says Slavens. Are. And, Snow points out, the bucket was almost empty, so Nervous system He is left scrambling, trying to control himself with minimal reserves. In other words, when you already have enough on your plate, you can handle a lot more.
Sensory overload can occur for many reasons. For example, it is also difficult for your nervous system to manage incoming sensory information when you are sick, hungry, thirsty, tired, or lacking restful sleep. But, not only this.
“Then there are people who are naturally more sensitive at baseline,” says Snow. “People who are highly sensitiveOn the spectrum, there’s attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or sensory processing disorder, where their brain is taking in sensory information differently.” Snow says people with a history of long-term trauma may also not be able to So that their senses are well regulated, this may increase their risk of feeling overstimulated frequently.
How to tell if you’re overstimulated?
When your nervous system becomes overstimulated, it either goes into fight or flight mode or freezes. fight or flight is one stress response Where your body decides that it will either face a danger boldly or avoid it completely. freezeOn the other hand, it occurs when your body feels stuck, stiff, or frozen when faced with a stressor. Snow explains that “we often cycle between stress reactions,
when you’re in fight or flightYou can experience:
but when you’re in freeze reactionyou can feel:
- dull or lazy
- sad
- numb
- shut down
- having trouble concentrating
- Difficulty making decisions and completing tasks
Snow explains, “When you’re in these stress situations, where your nervous system becomes disorganized, your prefrontal cortex, the front part of your brain, goes offline, and with that your executive functioning is affected. ” It becomes difficult to think clearly. It’s hard to make decisions, it’s hard to concentrate. And when we are in those situations, it becomes difficult to even sleep,” she adds.
So, what can you do to stay calm?
When you’re experiencing sensory overload, it can often feel like there’s nothing you can do to stop feeling overwhelmed. But, we are here to tell you Is A way to feel calm. Here are some of our favorite expert-approved strategies to try when we feel overwhelmed.
Tell yourself you are safe
Talking to yourself may seem strange to some people, but from my experience, it works and for me it is an effective method. self sootheSlavens explains. Let’s say you’re babysitting kids who are crying because you told them they only have five minutes left to play outside. By reminding your nervous system that you are safe, the nervous system takes its foot off the “danger” pedal, and away from that fight, flight, or freeze response.
Pay attention to other surroundings
This tip is especially useful when you can’t get away from the overstimulating object or environment that is causing sensory overload. Try this: Turn your head, look to your left, then look to your right. Snow says what you’re aiming to do is to focus your gaze and attention on what your nervous system perceives as a threat, rather than occupying more space. This helps present you with a bigger picture of safety so that your brain and nervous system can begin to experience some degree of peace.
Slow down what you’re doing, even if just a little
We know our to-do lists are never-ending. But instead of rushing through your tasks throughout the day, slow yourself down. By slowing things down, you are giving your nervous system space to process the sensory information it has already received, so that it is ready to take in any information that comes your way. “My clients are always amazed by it, it seems so simple, but it’s effective,” says Snow.
isolate yourself from overstimulating environments
“If you need to take a sensory break, take that break,” says Slavens. Spend a few minutes alone in the bathroom, spare room, or garden. “By relaxing your senses, you’re allowing your nervous system to settle down, and allowing your brain to engage in processing for a moment,” says Snow.
Mothers often say they feel “left out” and wonder if it’s okay to take a break from holding their young children. Slavens, who has children of his own, says yes, it does. It’s okay to lay the baby down in a safe place for a few minutes while you take sensory breaks in an adjacent room. It’s okay to say to your children, “Mommy’s body needs some space right now, so you can sit next to me, but you can’t sit on top of me.”
We know you’ve probably heard oxygen mask on airplane analogy At times, but the sentiment behind it is true – take care of yourself before you are unable to take care of someone else.
practice mindful breathing
adding something thoughtful Breathing exercises can help reduce stress And calm your nervous system when it’s overloaded, say our experts. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. we like to try box breathingWhere you inhale for four counts, hold it for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold it for four counts and repeat as many times as needed.
engage in bilateral movement
left-to-right or side-to-side movement, also known as bilateral movementThis has the effect of “waking up the brain and allowing it to process the information it’s gathering,” Snow says.
Going for a walk is a form of bilateral movement. If you’re standing and chatting with people at an event, it might be the weight between your legs slowly shifting from left to right. If you’re at a meeting or dinner, it might be tempting to slap your hands back and forth on your thighs under the table. Whatever bilateral movement you choose, engaging in it can bring your awareness back to your body and away from the information that is overstimulating you.
stress your body
“Pressure on the stomach is actually relaxing for most people’s nervous system,” Snow says. Hold any weight on your chest, or your body, using your hands, such as weighted blanket Or your furry friend, says Slaven.
For an added bonus, try combining the techniques we’ve already mentioned. For example, place your hands on your chest to give yourself some deep pressure, practice breathing, and say to yourself, “I am safe.” It’s ideal to have a variety of these management techniques in your back pocket, so you can shuffle between them if one starts to lose its effectiveness after a while.
When to see a health care provider
Although these management strategies we just discussed are excellent ways to calm your nervous system when you’re feeling overstimulated, sometimes they may not be enough. If your sensory overload symptoms are interfering with your day-to-day functioning, preventing you from doing things you want to do, or are occurring regularly, experts may advise you to reach out to your healthcare provider. Encourage for. They can learn more about your experiences, test you for underlying health conditions and connect you with a mental health professional to provide additional support.
bottom line
Every person experiences some kind of extreme excitement at some point in his life. And as frustrating as sensory overload can be, it’s also our body’s way of telling us that our nervous system is reaching its maximum capacity for processing information. While it’s not easy to completely protect yourself from overstimulating environments, thankfully there are tried-and-true methods to help calm our minds and bodies. So the next time things feel a little too much, there are strategies you can use to feel a little more at ease.
Good+Good articles reference scientific, credible, recent, robust studies to support the information we share. You can count on us throughout your health journey.
- National Institutes of Health (US); Biological Sciences Course Study. NIH Curricular Supplement Series (Internet). Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health (US); 2007. Information about the brain. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK20367/