Fans of Avatar Aung and Avatar Korra got the best news in just a decade. A new animated series set in the world which started Avatar The Last Airbender Nickel is coming. Here we know till now.
official announcement The original series was built on the 20th anniversary of the original series premiere from Nicelodian and Avatar Studios on 21 February. This included new books, live experiences and announcements for YouTube contentBut the real enthusiasm is about the title of the new avatar show Avatar: Consumption HavansThis new series by original creators we will follow a new avatar on two “books” and 26 episodes.
According to the official series details, Avatar: Consumption Havans It seems that it will begin in a beautiful dark place. Set after events of Avatar The Last Airbender And Avatar: Legend of CoreraThe world of avatar is “shattered by a disastrous Holocaust”.
“A young economy finds out that he is a new avatar after Korra – but in this dangerous era, this title marks him as the destroyer of humanity, not as his savior. Hunting, he and his long -lost twins should expose their mysterious origin and save seven heavens before the fall of the last strongholds of civilization. “
A video declaration for the series presented by Avatar actors Janet Varni (Avatar Korra) and Dante Basko (Prince Zuko) revealed that Avatar’s role has also taken a dark turn. he explainedIn the era of ” Consumption havenBeing an avatar means the destroyer of your humanity, not its savior. ,
Dimartino and Conitzco, who created a franchise (and who went away from participation with the Netflix Live-Action Series) said in a joint statement. “This new avatar of Avatarvars is full of fantasy, mystery and a whole new artists of amazing characters. Get ready to do another epic and emotional adventure work! ,
There is no word of release for this Consumption haven As yet. Hopefully, with all the enthusiasm around this announcement, we will not have to wait for a long time for the news. Meanwhile, Dimartino and Konietzko are still working Avatar animated feature film Set for release in January 2026.
See back for more updates on this and other avatar news.