The small footprint of the apartment presented some difficulties in the design phase. “But at the same time, the size proved to be a significant advantage: it forced us to maximize the use of the location that was available,” Mamedov says. “In addition, we were waiting for some pieces for a long time due to the current geo -political situation, and not everything we wanted was easily available.” For example, he waited for an additional six months to achieve and install Wirener Panton’s high lamp. “We also discovered longer for the most suitable food table for this place,” says Mamedov.
The space is held with an emphasis on an efficiency, a separate sleep area, a dedicated kitchen space, a bathroom with laundry, and storage space designed to fit the customer’s active lifestyle. “I divided the apartment into several blocks, ‘defined them with colors, decorations and clothes. To soften the space, we introduced round walls and arched opening. Also added mirrors on the hidden bathroom door, ”tells the mamedov.