The decline 2025 Ready-to-Vear season (Copenhagen and NYC), two cities in Fox Fur Coat and Sheerling, have emerged as a trend. On the phone with Nelli Kamras of Stand Studio – an OG in the category – I asked if it was a boost or obstruction to his business. The one was a bit of his answer. Trying to stay ahead of the copyers, “We always need to cross ourselves and we need to cross everyone in the field in which we are working, and it is never that the customer What does, “the designer said. At the same time, Kamras continued, “Store really wants to buy a real deal. (Stand Studio) is the place where they came from the beginning and now we are seeing that they do not buy anything because it is cheap, but they really want to buy some good quality impure fur – because there is a huge difference, obviously.”
It is aware that people are beware of their shopping, Commerce has actually focused on its main product, which is outerwear, and mostly excluded from the equation. “We have gone in a sophisticated direction” without losing a sense of fickleness “in a sophisticated direction,” he said.
Falling in the latter category is a collarless lipstick red coat and is made of a patchwork of an animal print that is in turn between vertical and horizontal tilt. A wide-knot, impure furry-tried black leather vest was distributed to the glamor of the ’40s’, while a dramatic white Mongolian sheep child was shown a rough collar in the fur like a baby. Moto Styles had timely cruelty, and the single-breadted chemical coat of the brand always goes excess miles. This was the first coat “We ever built and it is still our number-one bestseller,” said Kamras. “And it is exactly the same coat, which is fantastic. I mean, we always think that we need to reinforce the wheel in every season, that we need to do something with a high fashion sense, but at the same time the customer is coming to us We like us from the beginning. , This makes me happy because it is a confirmation that you are doing something that is good and it is still good after 10 years, and we do not need to exclude new things all the time. ,