Does your moon moon reflect your true feelings?
This probably does, the sign is the basis of our emotional instinct.
The aspects that our Netal Moon creates with the rest of our chart will emphasize an expression of emotional energy on the other.
It can be soft, rough, flowing or stunts.
But Aadhaar remains unknown.
A Gemini Moon feels the need to communicate, a Libra moon needs to feel a relationship with others, a female moon (to quote the flame sickle) feels the need to make orders.
Gemini Moon in Trin with Venus can give an ease with words, while the same Gemini Moon can be more oral on Mars, to react more quickly.
But the base, the need to communicate, remains. It passes through just a separate filter.
On the other hand our sun is our ego, our inner core. This is our essence.
A Leo Sun wants to bring “light” to others, it sees itself on the platform presenting others.
With a Gemini Moon, it can be kind words that need to be spoken for the benefit of another.
With a Libra moon, Leo shines if the partner is nearby, but the light slows down without a partner. If there is no one, for whom do you express your generosity?
The third most fundamental element of the chart is possibly ascending.
This is what others see. This is that we allow others to see that Gemini or Libra Moon, or Leo Sun.
If the ascending is in Taurus, we raise symptoms that are solid, solid, slightly shy, severe.
What we see with a Leo sun is not what we get. We can be attracted to the Taurus of the soil, and when the sun comes out, we do not always know what to make it.
With a Gemini Moon, that shy Taurus starts talking and talking and this is not what we expect it, and then Leo Center takes the stage and leaves us further.
I think it climbs one that attracts us to another, and then the first mirror of energy that acts as a magnet (or preventive), we see how their sun works, and His emotional response to us is probably final. Because it is the deepest and most hidden.
How many times we are not ready for anyone, our ascending are “closed”, but as we “know them”, that is, their sun/personality, we heat them.
Interesting topics, perhaps there are no concrete answers, but thanks for bringing it for discussion.