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Daily Horoscopes for Saturday January 4 – Sunday January 5, 2025 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins

What’s happening in astrology today

January 4 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Saturday January 4. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

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Your daily horoscopes for Saturday January 4, 2025

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

You’re ready to take the bull by the horns on Saturday, but before you rush headlong into something that’s above your pay grade, stop and get the lay of the land. This isn’t about your vision—that’s rock-solid. But you also should have a mapped-out game plan for accomplishing it. On top of that, reaching out to others for needed support isn’t a sign of weakness but of wisdom. An extra pair of hands WILL make lighter work—and make the project a whole lot more fun! Sunday comes with a loose-cannon alert. A merger of the Aries moon and your ruler, brash Mars (retrograde in Leo), might send you flying off the handle without warning. Your energy could spike, then crash—so try to avoid consuming too much caffeine or talking to people who work you into a frenzy. Channel this radical energy into making an irresistible pitch or putting together a fierce outfit that will have the street-style paparazzi snapping on their zoom lenses. Take a deep breath before speaking too—you’ll benefit greatly from collecting your thoughts.

Read Aries daily horoscope

Taurus Daily horoscopeTaurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Saturday’s eye-opening mashup of the creative Sun and Saturn in your futuristic eleventh house helps you see beyond your assumptions and tap into a broader vision. People might surprise you if given half a chance. Approach the world with a wide-open mind and be prepared to discover something completely off your radar. Then get ready to switch it up! Does the Bull need a charge this Sunday? The moon and unpredictable Mars team up in the most restful parts of your chart, which could put you in an introspective groove. Unfortunately, the anxious nature of Mars retrograde could find you pacing the floors, pushing past the point of mental exhaustion. Take it easy, Taurus, and don’t overdo it. This IS an excellent day for creative innovation, so tap into your right brain by meditating or doing a visualization exercise while listening to ambient music. Or how about a spontaneous dance party to break up your day? Go easy on the libations since this cosmic combo can make you prone to overindulging.

Read Taurus daily horoscope

Gemini Daily horoscopeGemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Saturday’s rule: No more secrets! You may think you’re being clever or shrewdly getting around a roadblock, but in reality, anything that’s not 100 percent aboveboard can come back to haunt you. With integrity hound Saturn in Pisces greeting the Capricorn Sun in your secretive eighth house, it’s better to bite the bullet and deal with the consequences than risk being considered unethical. But that’s no excuse to remove all filters. Who’s up for a spontaneous trip to…basically anywhere? With the adventurous Aries moon in cahoots with impulsive Mars in Leo this Sunday, you’ll entertain almost any idea that friends throw your way. Your desire to break out of a social rut is also extra-strong. But really, Gemini, there’s no need to book a flight, especially with Mars retrograde muddling your better judgment. The point is to simply relish the company of good people while mixing up your usual routine. Have brunch with a squad of free thinkers—people who inspire you to see things from a different perspective. You may also decide to become part of a collaborative project, especially if it has a humanitarian twist.

Read Gemini daily horoscope

Cancer Daily horoscopeCancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Plot twist! A seemingly predictable partnership could head into uncharted waters this Saturday as Saturn in Pisces and your adventurous ninth house fist-bumps the Sun in Capricorn. This isn’t a bad thing! Assumptions and expectations can take the joy out of the getting-to-know-you process—and they can be the horsemen of long-term relationships. Backtrack a few steps and realign. Shifting roles might be better for both of you. On Sunday, the moon trines excitement junkie Mars, energizing your approach to career and long-term structures. Although your sign likes a certain amount of security, you might get a rare case of claustrophobia today. You don’t have to march into the office and quit your day job on Monday, but think about ways you can mix up your routine with some interesting new projects. Even getting up and going out for a lunchtime walk can help. If you own a business, work on your social media and virtual marketing. Put one of your novel ideas out there—it has potential to go viral.

Read Cancer daily horoscope

Leo Daily horoscopeLeo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Shortcuts won’t get you there any faster this Saturday, Leo, so summon all the patience you can muster. With masterful Saturn in a friendly formation with the Sun in your systematic sixth house, you’re at least five steps ahead of the competition. And while you’re eager to grab that proverbial pot of gold, you don’t want to miss out on the joy of the journey itself. Slow down, follow the proper steps and protocols and savor the ride! Easy does it with those monologues this Sunday. Not only is hotheaded Mars retrograde in your sign, but today it trines the moon in your outspoken ninth house. This could have some brutal honesty flying from your lips before you have a chance to self-censor. While you can’t put the genie back in the bottle once it’s out, this dose of truth serum can be liberating. When it’s all out in the open, you can get a productive dialogue underway. Just TRY to temper your commentary with a little bit of tact!

Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo Daily horoscopeVirgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

No Virgo is an island, and that goes double under Saturday’s mashup of sensible Saturn in Pisces and your relationship zone and the blazing Sun in your passionate fifth house. While you’re eager to take a major next step in love or a creative initiative, there are a few factors to consider. How do your inner circle, bae and family feel about your plans? And if they are behind it, have you lined up proper support? Take time to dot those last i’s and cross any final t’s. On Sunday, the moon in your eighth house of sex and intimacy hosts a steamy tete-a-tete with hotblooded Mars. You’re ready to get experimental, Virgo, or at least step outside of your comfort zone. Whether that means acting out a fantasy or approaching someone to let them know you’re interested, your seduction meter is reading off the charts now. Just make sure you don’t catch the person completely off-guard. With impetuous Mars in the mix, your bawdy behavior could seem to come out of left field. Or someone else could surprise YOU with a proposition. If there’s chemistry there and you’re both game, then why not take a chance?

Read Virgo daily horoscope

Libra Daily horoscopeLibra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

As eager as you are to forge ahead, that may not be possible on Saturday. Thanks to a nudge from gatekeeper Saturn to the enthusiastic Sun, plans that had been green-lit could get caught up in red tape. Slowing down is irritating, but you know what’s worse? Having to undo all your hard work later because you didn’t get the proper permits or sign-offs. Forget about going rogue, Libra, and embrace the process! On Sunday, the moon trines motivator Mars in your partnership zones, inspiring you to mix things up. Feeling restless in a relationship? Maybe you’ve been stuck playing a role that’s started to feel false or confining. Step out of that stifling “nice” persona and say what you really think, Libra. You may fear this could damage your partnership, but the opposite is probably true. A dose of authenticity helps people to know where you stand. From there, you can build stronger bridges.

Read Libra daily horoscope

Scorpio Daily horoscopeScorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Saturday’s mashup of the ego-driven Sun and integrity hound Saturn sheds light on a blessing in disguise. Sometimes the greatest lessons come not from your successes but your mistakes. We realize that’s not a transcendent Scorpio’s favorite thing to hear, but you ARE human, which means it’s inevitable that not every pitch you swing at is going to be a home run. See what valuable teaching can be gleaned from a recent misstep—and stop being so hard on yourself about it! Ready, set, revamp! On Sunday, the Aries moon sparks your sixth house of health and organization and catches fire from go-getter Mars. It’s an excellent time to embark on a new clean-eating or exercise program as you’re extra-motivated to make a change to your lifestyle. Upgrade your fitness tracker or check out budget-management apps. A savvy virtual admin tool can help your life run like a well-oiled machine. Feeling bored or unfulfilled? Be of service with some volunteer work. Making a difference for someone else takes the focus off of your worries, putting life back in perspective. Go forth!

Read Scorpio daily horoscope

Sagittarius Daily horoscopeSagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

It’s hard to gauge a proper excitement level this Saturday as the industrious Capricorn Sun and analytical Saturn combine forces. Take a little extra time to really think through your next move. You might feel like you’ve got this completely nailed down, yet one final review could reveal where you’ve actually overlooked an important detail. If you re-check and still don’t see anything, ask an informed person to run one last pair of eyeballs over it. Better safe than sorry! Sunday comes with a code orange drama alert. The Aries moon in your fifth house of passion and self-expression aligns with rambunctious Mars retrograde. You might be tempted to shake up the status quo in your love life by doing something a little bit self-centered. Flirting with someone to piss off your partner? Pinging that devastatingly hot (but oh-so-toxic) ex for a rush of excitement? Eek! What’s really going on, Sag, is that you might be craving some attention and fun. You don’t have to rock the boat in order to get that. Take a bold risk and share your desires, or go public with your talent. You could discover a receptive audience simply by being your authentic self.

Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn Daily horoscopeCapricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Deliver your message carefully this Saturday as the confidence-boosting Capricorn Sun engages with your ruler, no-nonsense Saturn, in your communication corner. It’s not that you should water down what you have to say. But DO think about how it will sound to people who are new to the subject matter or might not know the backstory of how you arrived at your conclusion. Sharing the “why” behind your sentiment can be a great translation tool. Sunday’s free-flowing trine between the moon and bellicose Mars retrograde could turn a simple call to a relative into a heated debate. You can’t avoid difficult topics forever—especially not on a proactive day like this one. However, you’ll want to take a measured approach, feeling out the emotional temperature before plunging in. Maybe presenting your ideas as a win-win scenario will bring a long-awaited healing resolution. Your living situation could also be due for a change. Peruse the real estate listings or pick up some paint swatches. Just know that this is a fleeting transit—the urge to radically redecorate could pass before you even get a single coat of color on the wall.

Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius Daily horoscopeAquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Fact blurs with fiction this Saturday thanks to a mashup of sober Saturn in Pisces and the Capricorn Sun in your dreamy twelfth house. Frankly, you might not care if you’re brokering in reality or not—as long as you’re enjoying the ride! Go ahead and take a little detour, Aquarius: Just hold off on making any irrevocable decisions until both feet are back on solid ground. Say WHAT? On Sunday, the moon holds court in your communication house and catches a bit of swagger from Mars. Conversations could be heated and fast-paced, touching on some controversial topics. Luckily, YOU never mind going there, Aquarius, but does the other party feel the same way? Don’t censor yourself, but do sniff out the situation before you launch into a diatribe on, say, factory farming or politics. Tonight, head out to an interesting lecture or a thought-provoking film. Or just spend time perusing the stacks at an independent bookstore. Feed your need for mental stimulation—just make sure it’s in the company of people who can handle the truth!

Read Aquarius daily horoscope

Pisces Daily horoscopePisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 4

Under Saturday’s mashup of the ego-driven Sun and results-driven Saturn, frustration with a team effort could set in. Someone may seem to be slacking, but perhaps they aren’t clear on deliverables. Take the high road and give them a chance to correct their mistakes. Hold them accountable while boosting their confidence with helpful tips and words of affirmation. Money acting funny this Sunday? Do something about it! The moon and agitating Mars align in your career and finance zones, which could force you to become proactive about cash management. You could get an unexpected bill or expense that throws a wrench in your budget. If you’re thinking, “Budget…what budget?” then maybe it’s time to revolutionize the way you approach spending and saving. You don’t have to cut out all the things that give you pleasure, but DO make an effort to use your money a bit more consciously. You might also pick up some freelance work or develop a cottage industry. Use your skills to pay the bills, Pisces!

Read Pisces daily horoscope

Check out everything that’s happening in your January monthly horoscope too!

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