I can’t believe Absolutely new White lotus Season Eventually my hope and waiting and various googles became physical Parker Posey Compilation video. (If you have never seen him as a crazy barnis employee Will and graceBelieve me, you need.) But the blessed event has finally come, and in this season, Mike White is taking us to an all-ex-X-bed jeet via Thailand.
Long -awaited Return White lotus With this brings the opportunity to do the best lines of the episode, Succession-StyleSo naturally, I am taking it; Below, find a power rankings of very best one-liners from Sunday night episode, titled “Sem Spirits, New Form”.
“Rick, the woman at the airport thought you were my father, okay? You should get the face of a gentleman “-Classi (Amy Lu Wood) for her lover Rick (Walton Gogins)
Friends, this is 2025! Men’s skincare is no longer prohibited, and Chelsea knows it!
“This is so on-brand for you, to fall prey to your own decisions”-then, again
Is it me, or Wood is already a fugitive star of this season?
Photo: HBO’s Cotes
“You will see a lot of bald white people in Thailand. Local people call him LBHS: Lost houses. “Clot (Charlotte Le Bon)
Chelsea finds a new sister in an old boyfriend, and that is the only thing for Cloe Tanya macquoideShitty ex!
“We flew on the North Pole!” Northern Carolina Housewife as attracting Victoria -Posti
Yes, the accent is a little thick for reality, but we love you, Parker!
“You definitely know how to treat burnt bitch” -Belinda
Oh, Natasha rothwellHow did I remember you and your dullness.