While water and rubbing alcohol jointly forms an effective homemade cleaning agent, it is not an all-pest cleaner that can be used on any surface. Rubbing wine can be rigid on some objects and will ruin them if used frequently.
Take notes from the professionals of the items that you should avoid cleaning Surgical spirit And learn what they have to clean.
Rubbing alcohol is highly flammable and should always be avoided in areas coming in contact with high heat or flames, such as stovetops, grills, or surfaces near a chimney.
Painted surface
The Sprous / Ulla Verbettsa
Whether it is your walls or furniture, experts agree that it is best to avoid using rubbing alcohol to clean any type of painted surface. The alcohol eats away in the paint, causing malaise or even paint spots.
Mock recommends using a light soap and water Clean painted area And keep them up.
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wood furniture
According to Bosart, rubbing alcohol on wood surfaces is very rigid.
“Rubbed wine can varnish or paint and leave a dull, damaged surface,” she says.
If the wooden finish or protective layer is gone, it can quickly compromise and rot. Instead, Bosart dish recommends using a gentler cleaner of soap and water.
natural stone
Brittany Scuor Photography / Getty Images
prevent Cleaning your marble countertops With alcohol rubbing. Natural stone, like marble, granite, or travartine, is porous and can be damaged by rubbing alcohol.
Says mock, “The dangers of cleaning these objects with alcohol rubbing include dull the surface, causing the surface cloud and brittle.”
Acrylic plastics
If plastic organizers around your house need a clean, avoid using rubbing alcohol to work. Rub alcohol can cause some plastic, especially in acrylic, causing malaise, war or brittleness.
Instead, use one Microfiber cloth To dust acrylic containers and wash them in hot, soap water for deep clean.
Spruce / Sanja Cot
Experts say that to leave rubbing alcohol for you Leather couchJackets, or other leather surfaces if you want them to last.
“Alcohol can dry leather and break over time,” Bosart says.
For small stains, hot water and dish soap should be tricked. Otherwise, a leather conditioner is great for maintenance and deep cleaning.
Electronic screen and monitor
Era image / getty images
Varela says that avoid using rubbing alcohol Clean electronic screen Since electronics can be sensitive to rubbing alcohol.
“This is unnecessary to use a strong cleaning agent (on electronics),” says Varela.
Instead, use a little damp cloth with water to clean the electronic screen and monitor. You can also use a commercial screen cleaner product and soft cloth to clean these items.
What items can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol?
Rub alcohol works miracles on sticky surfaces and Removal of sap Or residue from item. You can use rubbing alcohol to clean mirrors, windows or stainless steel surfaces to remove lines and spots.
Hardy domestic surface, such as tile floors or Bathroom fixturesThere are also good spots to use rubbing alcohol. Rabing alcohol works quickly to disinfect and evaporates quickly so that there is no need to rinse with water.
Always dilute the wine rubbing with water to create your cleaning solution as a small amount will go a long way.
“I suggest that at least find a spray bottle with a wide mouth to cover the surface with raw alcohol,” Varela says. “Just a small clean and enough to do cleanliness.”