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Project Description:
Place: Boulder, Colorado
Photographer: David Lawyer Photography ,Davidlaurfoto
From architect: “Betasso challenges traditional alpine cabin norms, which creates a new rusticular in Rocky Mountains culture, climate and landscape. This form closes winter winds with a solid and vertical roof/wall In the morning the sun opens- sealing glass.
“Three-cabin’s composition is accompanied by topography, taking each cabin down in height because a Betasso moves towards the nature of nature. The cabin is specialized specificly for working, living and sleeping. Glass halls add each cabin, making a sunlight ‘place.’
“Double fir rafters enaches steel flich plates, allowing the open space to spread long. Hemlock roof layer bringing heat upwards. The rugged mountain site.
“The house is 100-per cent gas-free, working on geothermal energy and electrical equipment. A ground source heat pump radiant provides radiant floor heating. Floor-to-sealing casting windows with a ventilated internal with natural cross-vantilation The location makes the insulation around the insulation, an outer frame -rich walls around the insulation.