Once known as the Christmas cactus, the term holiday cactus came about because you can see these plants in bloom from Thanksgiving to Easter. True Christmas Cactus (schlumbergera bridgesii) blooms in December, while is more commonly found thanksgiving cactus ,S. truncata) starts blooming earlier. Easter Cactus (Hatiora Gartneri) blooms in spring. Fortunately, they require the same general care. They also make excellent houseplants the rest of the year and can even be moved outside into cooler climates during the summer.
During the holiday season. Place it in a location that receives bright, indirect light – a west-facing window that doesn’t receive direct sunlight is ideal. Water regularly, but allow the container to drain freely and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
Post-discharge care. Continue this care until the plant blooms. You can move the plant outside in the spring and summer if you live in a cold-winter climate or almost any time in areas with warm winters. Provide bright indirect light during spring, summer and fall. Fertilize with about a quarter-strength fertilizer weekly from spring to summer while the plant is growing.
Holiday cactus are also considered short day plants, said to require a certain amount of darkness to bloom again. I’ve found that I can give my holiday cactus, which I have both indoors and out, the same care in my mild-winter climate that I give my other plants and still enjoy annual blooms. Am, but you may want to be more active.
In September to October, you can reduce the amount of water your plant gets and keep it in a cool, dry location, such as an unheated garage, where it gets at least 12 hours per day for about a month. You will get darkness. If you can’t ensure 12 hours of darkness, place a box over it in the evening to block light. Be careful that the cover does not touch the leaves or you may damage them. Once the buds are ripe, increase watering and move the plant to an area with brighter light.
These cactus can also grow outdoors year-round in USDA zones 9 and above (Find your area,