I love the thrill of accidentally discovering a new cleaning product, especially one that NaturalAnd when I was having trouble with my regular tour, vinegarI needed something that would get the job done.
I was seeing some discussion on social media from professional cleaners about how they swear by having coconut oil in their cleaning kits. I would never think of oil as something to be cleaned with. After all, that’s what we’re taught Oil Is an enemy. Isn’t this what we’re trying to remove?
Lucky for me, I had a brand new sealed jar of coconut oil that was gathering dust in my pantry. I was ready and interested to find out if this tip would work.
How I used coconut oil to scrub
To deal with the problem I took the help of coconut oil tomato sauce There was a splash all over my range when I was having difficulty removing it using vinegar. After using it in the kitchen, I wondered where else it could work.
Re-enter social media.
My most surprising and gratifying experience was using coconut oil on my glass shower doorsI am telling you, Nothing Worked on my water stained hardwood shower doors. I kept reading “use vinegar” but it didn’t work for me. Then I experienced the effectiveness of coconut oil.
To start, I heated about half a cup of coconut oil in the microwave until it reduced to its liquid form, then added a few drops of lemon juice. I used a clean cloth to apply the oil to the shower doors. This is where in the process you’ll think this might have been a bad idea, but keep going. Then I used a new clean towel to wipe the oil off the glass.
Now comes the vinegar. To remove any remaining oily residue, I used a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and heated water for one minute. I was absolutely stunned by the result – crystal clear shower doors!
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Why does this work?
I’m sure you’ve heard about the “oil-cleansing” trend in the beauty world, where people massage oil into their face and later wipe it off with a warm cloth to remove dirt and grime from their pores. Are. The same basic principle applies here also.
The reason coconut oil works as an all-natural cleaner in some situations depends on science. Oil dissolves oil. Water-based cleaners and solvents strip away the oil.
So while using oil to clean dirt may seem strange, it can actually work. As I mentioned, in my experience using coconut oil to clean up backsplash sauce splatters, it worked well when vinegar was lacking.
Now, you shouldn’t assume that coconut oil will work for everything. This will largely depend on the type of mess you are trying to clean. If your diet includes peanut butter, Crayonor unknown stickiness on hard surfaces, then coconut oil may become your new option.
but for things like stains on clothesBringing coconut oil will probably only increase your problems. If you are unsure about its use in a certain situation, I would try it on a small test area before proceeding.
Happy cleaning!