The German optics company Schneider-Creiznach, which is known by photographers for its large-referred lens for a camera and its work with Samsung’s long-term digital cameras participated with South Korean Lens Company Samyang.
The peers of the unexpected team announced their first new lens in CP+ last week, Samyang AF 14-24mm f/2.8 Fe for full-frame mirrorless cameras for ultra-wide-angle zoom lenses. The lens associates the observed optical technique of SHNEDER-Kreuznach with modern technology of Samyang. As describes the Schneider-Craznach, the new 14-24 mm F/2.8 “German optical expertise and (Samyang) is an ideal mix of advanced manufacturing technology.” It is worth noting that the Schneider group, which oversees the Schneider-Croznach brand, also forms a high-end photographic filter under the B+W name.
Companies promise that the new 14-24 mm f/2.8 lens will be the first of “many” innovative products generated from strategic partnership.
“We are still happy to expand its appearance in the photography market with our expertise in optics,” Dr. Schnider-Craznch CEO. Volfgang says ulrich. “This initiative is an important step for our company, and we are proud to cooperate with LK Samyang. Together, we are developing our first mirrorless lens designed especially for photography enthusiasts. ,
For its share, the CEO of LK Samyang, Bonvuk Ku, says, “We will continue our cooperation with Schneider-Crozenach and to develop and release zoom lenses, which ensure constant speed for our growth in the regulated lens market.”
So far, Samyang has said very little about the new zoom lens, so some specifications are available. However, Schneider-Kreznach says the lens will be available for Sony e-mount cameras, and this full-frame will be the first 14-24 mm lens for e-mount cameras that accept the front filter. The lens accepts 77 mm filter.
It is also a compact lens, especially given its focal length range. The lens is just 84 millimeters (3.3 in) long and weighs 445 grams (0.98 pounds).
By comparing it Nikon nikkor z 14-24mm f/2.8 s lensWhich accepts a large number of 112 mm front filer with a special hood. The lens is 124.5 millimeters (4.9 in) long and weighs 650 grams (1.4 pounds).
The new Samyang Air Force is also a direct e-mount contest in 14-24 mm f/2.8 Fe lens, Sigma 14-24 mm F/2.8 DG DN Art LensThe lens, which does not accept the front filter, is 131 millimeters (5.2 in) and weighs 795 grams (1.75 pounds).
Schneider-Croznach says that the new samyang lens may focus as 0.18 meters (7.1 in), which is slightly close to the minimum focus of Nikon 14–24 mm (minimum 0.28 m (11 in)) of Nikon 14–24 mm.
Other details are rare. Schneider-kreuznach does not say what will be the cost of the new Samyang 14-24mm f/2.8, but companies say it will be available in April.
It is a bit surprising that the lens will be available only in the e-mount, as Samyang joined L-Mount alliance in July 2023 And many full-frame lenses have been released for L-Mount. While Sigma is available for 14-24 mm f/2.8 l-mount, as required, it would be good to see that L-Mount users have an option at the location that accepts the front filter.
Image Credit: Samyang