Whereas thriftySometimes it can be difficult to sift through aisles and aisles of items and determine what’s actually worth bringing home with you and what’s actually not such a good purchase. Speaking with expert thrifters, we learned about six categories of items that are definitely worth picking up if you see them.
Keep reading to learn more about these pieces and what makes them so special.
Becca Meyer, founder of BB Meyer Designs, says you may associate silver with estate sales and great shopping destinations, but you can easily find incredible silver pieces at thrift stores, too.
She encourages looking underneath a piece to identify its origin and says a quick Google search can be helpful to learn even more when you make a purchase. Her favorite silver items include vases, votives and small vessels that can be used as catchalls. Meyer loves silver pieces because they add a touch of elegance to any space.
Another tip shared by Mayer is to not let tarnished pieces hold you back as you can easily give your pieces a good polish at home to keep them looking brand new.
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Coffee table books look stylish throughout the home, but at $50 (or more) a pop, they can definitely add up. Meyer always makes a point of finding books at thrift stores for this reason.
Finding interior design books at thrift stores from bygone eras is a fun way to get inspired. Create timeless designs,” she says, adding that she also likes to collect travel books, cookbooks and books about specific regions.
Erin Williamson Design
brass animal statues
There’s no way you need to spend years and years amassing a collection of figurines when you could instead go to thrift stores looking for these types of pieces? Whitney Conrad, founder of Thrifty Whitney, always loves adding solid brass animal figurines to her cart.
Conrad explains how home decor enthusiasts love to style these and they can also be gifted to anyone who loves animals. The rarer the species, the better, Conrad says. Conrad often searches for desert animals such as roadrunners, armadillos or even pigs.
original artwork
Although most artworks can be quite expensive, just because a piece of artwork is original does not mean it has to cost you a lot of money, as long as you find it in the right place. Over the years Conrad has personally created some incredibly original pieces on the cheap
The best part is that focusing your attention on core pieces will ensure that your space doesn’t look like everyone else’s.
“Instead of buying mass-produced art from big box stores, this can be an affordable way to bring originality to your home’s aesthetic,” says Conrad.
louis duncan-hay
vintage frames
Even if you have difficulty finding artwork that speaks to you, don’t forget to take a close look at the frames in your thrift store.
AD:Madeleine Meyer, founder of ROIT, says of vintage thrifted frames, they can be cuter and more interesting than their contemporary counterparts.
Get creative when you think about how to style frames from another era in your home.
“Mixing a modern painting with a decorative historic frame can be really interesting and the perfect finishing touch to a space,” says Meyer.
glasses and barware
jazz up your home bar With ultra-chic thrifted glassware. Meyer always keeps her eyes open for glasses, decanters, candy dishes, vases and more.
“These pieces are beautiful and timeless and although they won’t cost a lot, they won’t be worth much either,” she says.
The best part, says Meyer, is that these items are extremely easy to clean once you bring them home from the store. Simply wash them in the sink using dish soap and water!
Desire Burns Interiors