Flower plants are not as common inside the house, but there are some favorite plants that can grow and spread color.
15. Jerenium. Familiar Zerenium (Palargonium SPP.) is often rejected, but it is difficult to beat it due to its color range, interesting leaves and easy care. Grow a zerenium on a sunny window, anchor them on a tabletop display or place them in a hanging pot to illuminate a corner.
Care tips: Jerenium likes the sun, so they are ideal for the west -side window. W.Eat well, let the soil dry completely, then let it dry a little before giving water again. Give water slightly less in winter, but do not let the roots dry completely.
Feed with a fertilizer Half strength Every two weeks from spring to autumn or a quarter power fertilizer every week. To maintain a bushes shape, apply deadhead regularly and press the stems backwards.
Caution: If the geranium is swallowed, it can be poisonous for people and pets.