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HomeAstrologyUSA Chart - The Ultimate Debate

USA Chart – The Ultimate Debate

I think that article has good points!

But some other articles also have a good point. So, who should have the last word?

For example, I remember I wrote two articles on USA natal charts some time ago, praising the Gemini Rising chart. I found that this worked. Then, after a while I discovered that the Sagittarius Rising chart works in other cases too… so I wrote another article about that. In fact, I am quite ashamed of this situation because it lacks continuity, hence the articles are not online.

FYI, here are the first 2 articles that praise the Gemini Rising chart, I could not find the article praising the Sagittarius Rising chart:

gemini rising chart
(Gemini Rising Chart: July 4, 1776, 2:13:32 AM, LMT: +05:00:40, Philadelphia, PA, USA)

In this article, I want to point out the way Sabian symbols work at the moment of various events of a nation’s existence.

More specifically, I would like to present the Sabian symbols of the secondary progressed planets of the USA’s natal chart at the time of several major events in American history.

World Trade Center Plane Attack – September 11, 2001

Progressed Descendant (DS) – Represents the enemy – 9GEM28 – Sabian symbol for 10 Gemini: Nose-diving airplanes. – No comment needed.
Progressed Medium Collie (MC) – This is a symbol for President – ​​27VIR15 – 28 Sabian symbol for Virgo: A bald-headed man who has seized power. – Very clear.
Progressed Moon – indicates the state of the American people – 21TAU29 – Sabian symbol for 22 Taurus – White dove flying over troubled waters. – Americans managed to face this tragedy bravely.

Presidential Election – November 2, 2004

Progressed Sun – This is a symbol for the overall atmosphere in America during the elections – 29AQU23 – Sabian symbol for 30 Aquarius: Moon-lit fields, once Babylon, are blooming white. – Today’s Iraq is located on the site of ancient Babylon.
Progressed Medium Collie (MC) – This is a symbol for the President – ​​0lib25 – 1 Sabian symbol for Libra: A butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it. – The symbol says ‘Conservation’ and thus indicates quite clearly that Bush will be re-elected

War with Spain, sinking of the USS Maine – February 15, 1898

Progressed Descendant (DS) – Represents the enemy – 14pisces33 – Sabian symbol for 15 Pisces: An officer drills his men in a mock attack. – Admittedly self-inflicted, sinking of the USS Maine in the port of Havana, Cuba, then blamed on the Spanish for sparking war with Spain.

More examples can go on.


usa nut chart
Correct Natal Chart for United States
There is an ongoing controversy among astrologers as to the correct natal chart of the United States. There are many charts that have been proposed and AstroDataBank has gathered 10 of them.

However, there cannot be multiple natal charts for the US. There is only one USA, so only one chart is correct – the others may only be secondary charts, of less importance.

The two major charts that are most widely accepted are:

sagittarius rising chart
Date: 07/04/1776 (July 4, 1776) (subly)
Time: 17:10 (5:10 pm) LMT (+5:00:39)
Location: Philadelphia, PA (Lat:39N57;Lng:75W9)

gemini rising chart
Date: 07/04/1776 (July 4, 1776)
Time: 02:13:32 (2:13:32 AM) LMT (+5:00:39)
Location: Philadelphia, PA (Lat:39N57;Lng:75W9)

I cast my vote for the Gemini Rising chart, for reasons that are so obvious to me, that I cannot understand the viewpoint of others.

Here they are:

Everyone knows that the so-called American culture is actually a mixture of all the cultures and civilizations that exist together in America, yet without losing their individuality.
Look at the 1st House of the USA, the personality of the country: it is in Gemini (air sign, Mercurian), Mercury in Cancer (water sign, ruled by the Moon), Venus, Mars and Uranus are also in the 1st house.
Now you tell me: What is the American personality if not a mixture of the influences of all these planets: Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars and Uranus, no less than 5 out of 10 planets.

The United States is commonly known as:

– A Young Nation (Gemini Rising)
– Richest country on earth (Sun conjunct Jupiter in 2nd house)
– Land of freedom and democracy (Uranus in the 1st House)

The first thing that s/he sees when he/she reaches the American shore (from Europe) is The Statue of Liberty – so this is Uranus on the Ascendant.

America is famous in the world for its Hollywood films – Neptune, The Movies, in the 5th House of Art and Creation; However these films mainly promote highly questionable moral values ​​(spontaneous sex, physical, verbal or moral violence) Neptune contests with the dark moon Lilith.

Furthermore, Americans are known to be very good at promoting or selling their values, practically they know how to advertise themselves – the Moon located in the 10th house of the 2nd House of Values ​​and Property. Ruler, in the 10th house.

One major argument that is really hard to defeat is the zero-course Moon… there is only one applicable aspect to the Moon on that date, July 4, 1776, trine with Mars, 7:04 p.m. Pfet. to be done. Later the Moon goes from zero-to-course. Any chart made after this time presents a moon zero-course.
There is no way that a trained experienced astrologer could explain how the United States could have arisen under such influence. In fact the United States is quite the opposite: it is a dynamic successful country, full of energy, self-confidence and a world leader. (Moon trine Mars)
Therefore, USA can be born before 7:04 am on that day and Gemini Rising chart is the only one that fits here.


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