Tim Fung loves Formula 1, he considers the work of measuring the distance between the front wing of the car as a “crook” and, through the new partnership of the Airtaskar with racing bulls, is ready to brighten a light on the stories mentioned within the Australian Championship.
The online marketplace connects people who require tasks that can complete them and have entered F1 for the first time before the 2025 season and with a different approach to what they want to achieve in the series.
Its ‘Team Behind the Dream’ program has highlighted various members of the Racing Bulls Squad, showing how many unseeded heroes feel to tick a modern F1 team.
For Airtasker’s CEO Fung, the idea first sprouted as he enjoyed the time in Marina Bay Padock at last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.
“This is a wild ride so far,” he explained the autosport business. “There was a man measuring parts of the car using a lidar detector. I was so, ‘It’s great!’
“These people are acting as the highest level and we have seen the opportunity of this incredible story around all these people that are doing these jobs.
“The man who is measuring the front wing using a lidar machine. I mean how crook is he? That it is right that it matters a lot to get it right. That is a man who has the work and should be done for hours on the race weekend.
“We wanted to show those stories and, talking to Vcarb, we really saw magic. It was not like a marketing strategy.
Tim Fung, Airtkkar CEO
By photo: airtasker
“It was more that it is just the right fit. people are awesome. The economics of the deal makes us understand. ,
Chief Garage Technician Renzo Milanlo, Edward Hewitt – Assistant Team Coordinator of Racing Bulls – and partnership team and Executive Assistant Danny Kulef are the first trio to receive Airtaskar treatment as part of Danny Kulef initiative.
The company depends on the community and is therefore determines about the manufacture of brand awareness, with Channel 4 in the UK, along with the IheartMedia and Cinclair broadcast group in the United States.
But Fung was not ready to solve cash in celebrity endorsement, instead settled on the first forest in F1 for Airtkkar.
He said, “We started looking at famous celebrities and others who can be our spokespersons.” “As we are talking to these agents, we have just felt that a lot of these deals that you do with famous celebrities, first of all, it is super, super expensive – a couple of Instagram post spent you a million dollars.
“But then we ended in Singapore Grand Prix and I was talking to the Red Bull Team and scrubbing the tire to the people in Padock, HVAC took the units around and clicked it.
“I found that when you do calm, creative brand accessories, you don’t need strategies – some of these jobs are probably only present in the world of Formula 1 and many people do not know about them, they have quiet stories that embodory the team behind the dream.
“This is exciting to ensure. We have a Go-Gotter Spirit and, while it is a team that is actually going, Red Bulls definitely have an underadog team spirit-we love and can’t think of anyone who fits with us better. ,
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