Many commentators emphasize psychological and evolutionary aspects of modern astrology, while many modern schools contributed to reduce many technological innovations. Do not ignore the technological progress made in the 20th century in Western astrology in terms of time and future techniques.
Secondary (aka Major), tertiary and minor progress were developed and developed on a large scale, and Uranian and Cosmobiology schools used solar arcs, other devices along with widespread use of midpoints. Western Cditorial School added many techniques, new ways to use solar and lunar returns, progress of returns, revival and admission charts in new use, and the use of ciderial day in progress. At the end of the 20th and 21st centuries, harmonic and vibration schools implemented analysis for mathematical modeling and astrological exercises. In addition, there is a level of accuracy in astrological calculations possible by advances in computer technology and software.
These are some of the contributions made by modern astrologers.
It is really wrong to ignore these modern developments and reduce their contribution.