It is said that what is said? go big or go home? Or instead you can just go big and put on a major runway show. If you have excluded ambitions for your brand, then you may have to work there already, because who knows? Maybe you are already – or at least in its way. The Hadrylmp show certainly demonstrated a Bravura’s confidence as to what it was saying, and it was big, big, big in doing so. As label clothes, a gritty, urban retailing of mid -century elegance, all broad shoulders, whittled vessels, and so far were attracted to structured stitching in the colors of experienced and worn black and wearing blacks and grace and it is just men’s colors Was.
Johan Ehrhart, creative director of Berlin Fashion Week showman Hadrylmp, took us late at night to the banks of the city, which took Garganatuan S sister Verk Verk Shanevide to the train depot, which he completed with a suburban station platform, On which there was a model, on which there was a model. For the next service in the city Big Bad city, one imagination, one imagination. ,
“You have to make a big picture,” said the moments of Ehrahart after the end of his show. “So from set design, light, atmosphere – something – the whole fashion show needs to be an image, a little like the theater.” Given that in the previous season, Ehhart had collected everyone at Tempelhof Airport, someone can think that he has one thing to travel, and he does, not just the way you (or Actually I can imagine. The entire train began for Ehrhart, rather surprisingly, with a story about Mahatma Gandhi, who lost one of his shoes to catch the train, sometimes in the 1940s. Gandhi immediately threw the other out to join his missing shoes. Asked that, Gandhi responded, related to Ehrhart, that one would need both shoes, not one. “It was a wonderful and selfless thing,” he said. “It took a big, kind view about things. And we all need to do this right now, especially the way the world is. ,
Perhaps that’s why the show worked with all its bells and whistles, because at the end of the day, it was not just about flexing the brand muscles, but was trying to find a way to connect with some ideas, Where we are here and now; To bring some emotion and sensitivity to action. And if Ehrhart understands how to make the play in his presentation, then he also knows how to do it with his clothes. Gandhi Katha was the one that took her to the mid -20th century, so whatever happened, she says, “Thinking of the 30s, decades of the 40s, and decades of the ’50s’ , Was running in a station wearing clothes.
How did he do that? Certainly by giving everything-a lot of man and women like men and women are distressed and living; Crumpled wool sweeping overcoats, whose hems got stuck towards the floor, or patch-ranked sloti jeans bloated around the feet with their wide legs. Other times, they mix ’50s Hartthrobo pin-up bomber jackets with voltuminous trousers for raw-like-like skirting and people (that has been a recurrent idea in layering tric To some extent echoes their sinful women’s coats, with their snout -like hood. They have not shared all this. The very defined waist was for everyone, whether it was shaped by the corset or not.