The layered design scheme is calibrated to gently stimulate instead of overwhelming the senses. Bani Hashim focused on introducing materials and textures that could co-exist harmoniously, but it was staining all the way to prevent it from looking at it with enough piquancy in the mixture. “I like the idea of ​​searching for a place slowly,” she explains. “I want people to notice more details for more time in a room. Nothing should be fought for meditation, but it is also important to have some character stagnation point. ,
In the dining room, for example, the walls are rowed with deep red Morocco zeliz tilesAnd the roof is depicted in the same almost guki-n-red shed. One side of the space is shining, hurts it with light and prepares the scene of the courtyard of the courtyard, which is made -fed to include the plants that echo the echo of the tiles. “I wanted to mix originally with the inside,” says Alhatab. “The garden really does everything together.”
I have a brave wash kitchenAlso, as mustard-yellow cabinet, which brightens or again shines as light changes throughout the day. “First of all, I was worried that it could be too much,” Althutab. “I was flipping out because I did not consult any of my friends or family members and I thought they could hate it, but I love how it came out in the end.”