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HomePhotographyCIPA's lens data shows the impressive stability of the core photo industry

CIPA’s lens data shows the impressive stability of the core photo industry

After tomorrow Digital camera shipment breaks from 2007 to 2024It’s time to see Cipa interchangeable lens data,

While discussing the lens while looking at the camera data, the same cavets are applied. CIPA only tracks the production of Japanese manufacturers. While it includes prominent players such as Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Sigma, Sony, and more, it leaves some famous companies. In addition, the production and shipment number is not necessarily fully aligned with sales. However, they will be very close – quite close to discuss numbers and emerging comprehensive trends.

While the data of CIPA on digital camera shipment is available back by 2007, the lens data moves even further by 1999. However, it was not until 2011 that CIPA divides lens data into full-frame (and large) and APS-C and small categories. Who sees this article. In 2003, how many leaf-shitter lenses were constructed in Japan, they were interested in digging about how medium and large-form lenses were made in 2005, Cipa archives are a treasure,

Out of the way of that housekeeping, it is time to hole for more than 13 years of lens construction data.

Bar chart title
Data Source: CIPA

Given the total lens manufacturing numbers from 2011 to 2024, the decrease in APS-C and small lens production is much more dramatic than a dip in full-frame (and larger) space. It aligns with chart Petpixel Yesterday it was observed that the camera type broke the digital camera shipment. Reduction in shipment for cameras with a decline in APS-C and small lenses with trends of underlying lens.

Bar chart showed digital camera shipment in millions from 2014 to 2024. The built -in lens, mirrorless and DSLR categories are represented in yellow, blue and red respectively. Total shipments are reduced over time with minor ups and downs.
In 2024, about 1.5 lenses were produced for each interchangeable lens digital camera. , Data Source: CIPA

The immediate response is: “Okay, of course, but the camera was for cameras Without Complete lens. “Yes, but lens data refers to a shrinking” consumer “photography market, which is roughly reflected in the digital photography scenario. While the people who buy less compact cameras are not the same people who bought less APS-C and small interchangeable lenses, they occupy a similar market segment-people whose photographic needs are rapidly satisfied by smartphones.

It is also worth the house of how stable the full-frame and large lens space in the house has remained in the digital camera industry freefol. In some important ways, it speaks for health main Photography market. While the major entry-level photography space is now the playground of the smartphone, the photographers have never stopped buying the lens.

The bar chart is showing the percentage of lens made by sensor size from 2011 to 2024. APS-C and small lens are red, full-frame and large lenses in blue. APS-C dominates from 2011-2019, then the full-frame grows continuously from 2020-2024.
The lens built for full-frames and large cameras has captured higher percentage of total lens manufacturing, although the situation has been relatively stable over the last five years. , Data Source: CIPA

Something important is that CIPA leaves the data of which companies are making lenses. While the DSLR era of Canon and Nikon has gone long, both companies produced several APS-C DSLRs and lenses in the 2010s. Photographers could not foot in a best purchase without tripping on a group of $ 500-Esh DSLR kits. The continuous decrease in the number of APS-C lenses speaks for the death of this camera class.

However, one should not look at the red bar shrinking as an indictment of the APS-C and Micro Four Third camera system-many professionals use each. Depending on this data, it is impossible to talk to the health of something like Fujifilm X series. However, in the last few years, based on interaction with internal sources in the last few years and with the help of real-world evidence, Fujifilm’s APS-C X series cameras and lenses are extremely popular.

The sub-poverty-frame segment is relatively smaller than a decade ago, but the reason to believe that companies that remain are financially strong. Sub-Pour-Freme Lens Manufacturing has stabilized in the last five years, and enough evidence to suggest that Fujifilm is a completely major force, while the same size full-frame market has three primary methods Is being divided by

Image Credit: Specially displayed image is created using one Public domain image asset,

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