Cadilac team principal Graeme Lowdon has said that the incoming formula 1 will select its first driver line-up on Squad merit-and it can still be an American.
F1 and FIA formally approved the entry of General Motors on Friday This means that the Cadilac brand will become the 11th team of the grid from 2026.
But the preparation has long been going on to bring the team to shape for its debut, yet no official interaction with potential drivers can take place last week.
Currently in F1 there are several drivers without race seats, which are linked to cadilac, while the possibility of an American squad hiring a homegron racer has also been looted.
“We definitely choose on merit,” Lowdon said. “Formula 1, it is not a playground, it is the peak of the World Motisport.
“I think in terms of time, it’s a bit strange because we are out of the sink with other teams, we were not in the market during the fairly important final round, so some drivers are tied for a fixed period.
Graeme Lowdon
“Luckily, for us, there are a lot of good drivers, unfortunately, we are not in the market until the entry was confirmed.
“It is important for us to talk to many potential candidates. Do we see very talented drivers who are not currently on the grid? Yes, we do.
“We are going to be very busy talking to some people, my phone is definitely busy. Due to this situation, it is a bit difficult that we are as a new team, as the timeline is not normally. This is generally quite clear for all of us involved in driver talks.
“But easily half a dozen, if there are not more candidates, who provide very good credibility to be in Formula 1 or again in Formula 1.”
The choice of Sergio Perez, Vultiry botas And Zhou Guanu lost his seats in F1 at the end of the last season and will bring experience for the cadilac project. Zhou is especially, a name of the note which makes Lovdan Ferrari Reserve Part part of the management team.
Lowdon said, “Any detail is too early to go too early, as it is now that we are able to have meaningful conversations.”
Jhou Gunau, Stek F1 Team Kick Saar, with Waltarry Botas, Stek F1 Team Kick Saubar
Photo: Andy Hon / Motorsport Images
“I think Jhou has done an extraordinary good job in difficult circumstances and what it is really quite useful for me is that he does not need to explain the background of his abilities because I have a front ro seat to see all this, so it is a profit.
“The place has the correct investigation and balance, so there is no bias towards him or any other driver, which we can include on the grid.
“We are there to work there, so we will choose drivers on merit. There are some very good, Jhou.”
While a lot of names are tied around, the idea of recruitment of an American driver is the one who will not go away. Despite the lack of US F1 drivers in recent times, Lowdon did not refuse to sign one for the 2026 season.
“The clear question is whether we have American driver and personally, I do not see any reason that an American driver cannot be chosen even on merit,” he said.
“This is certainly something that fans want to see, and I do not see any reason why this cannot happen. But overriding is a qualification. We have got a job to do here.
“I don’t see any special problem. I do not envisage a particular problem on that front and as I said earlier, the driver will definitely be selected on merit.
“I am trying to emphasize what I am trying to emphasize because someone’s American does not mean that they cannot be a good formula 1 driver.”
Colton Herta, Andretti Global W/ CURB -Ganian Honda
By photo: Jeffri M. Miller / Motorsport Image
The driver Andrati Global, who belongs to a seat, has a colon Harta of Indycar, which has been involved with the General Motors F1 entry.
But the problem for the 24-year is that it currently does not have enough points on his superlisance to compete in F1.
“In relation to Coleton, so he does not have the required number of superlisance points and if he is to remain in the matter, it is clearly a barrier to him,” Lowdon said.
“We cannot choose a driver who does not have marks, it is just the real world in which we live and we just have to keep it in mind.
“Does any way affect his ability to run a race car for exaggeration or reach a race car? No.
“He is incredibly talented, so it is not the news that we will be looking at the colon with an entire group of other drivers.
“He is not really the only one in that situation and he will not be the first, he will not be the last driver where there is some uncertainty due to superlisance points, but we just have to live with it. It’s a regulation. We just have to respect it.”
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