Note: ASC signals can be modified within 3-4* of the ASC, parallel to the Sun Sign in their physiology, any 1 house planets, and 1.5* by any planet -3-4* of the ASC – One correct, verified chart. Changes in normal patterns will be only partial and will occur when the ruler of the right ascending sign is combined or parallel, which is the planet of different elements; When the planets of a different element are first in the house (such as growing Taurus with the Sun in Gemini in 1 house); When a separate element has heavy concentration of planets, especially if angular, but of the house which is not the original house of the sign on the ascension. Despite this, the original essence of the symbol on the ascension will still be.
In the facial outline identity, it is best to see the pictures of the person, while still quite young, so you are not foolish with weight gain, laxity, fluid retention. Age 10-30 is a good limit.
Sign quality discrimination by the base framework (as Master astrologer is mentioned by John Willer):
Cardinal – Ovet/round face. The area of the forehead is more inward or slant than a certain or mutated faces.
Fixed – rectangular or square/blocked face. The face is often straight along the edges so that the forehead/temple is about the width similar to the lower jaw.
Mutant – narrow/prolonged taping face. Can be rounded, but is usually quite thin or long, but often accompanied by broad foreheads.
Aries arises A skeleton may suggest a skeleton in men that show an oval head with a sow or chisel. The joining can be narrow, but most often will be more stronger/full than other cardinal signals, and the neck is more slimmer than normal.
Examples: Geraldin Ferroro, Barbara Streesand, Helen Reddy, Lin Redgrav, Dick Gregory, David Soter, John Lennon.
Their energy is accelerated, courageous, direct and forward to grow (until water or earth factor reduces overall energy). The voice is usually loud or sharp than around.
Eyes are active and can have a sharpness or glow for them and a condemnation of energy. Those eyebrows can be more rash or thick than normal. Men can be rugged with a jutting or bony chin, which sometimes recognizes them more than the facial outline. Both gender can be fair and ruddy regardless of hair color (caucasian). Personality is ready for action. These people lead with their initiatives and can be quite bosses, “butt-ins’,” and self-promotion. They impose themselves on their surroundings with their agenda, others meet to work for them. They activate the people around them and raise energy in almost any environment or position they become part. They are natural leaders, business builders, inventors, entrepreneurs.
Taurus There is a head and face that is more soft rectangular, and the eyes are to match: often brown, round, full, with long lashes and more stable stare than Aries types.
Example: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Halle Berry.
Their energy is usually slow, intentional, calm, sensible and grounded (until fire or air factor shows prominence). The voice is normally soft and pleasant, and the speech is consistent.
The nose becomes wider or round at the tip and many have a cute button nose. The neck and/or throat is usually thicker than normal. The shoulders are often more rounded than square-cuts like other definite signs. Height is usually lower than average. The energy is much slower in the tempo than the Aries types and they are adjusted, but are not easily pushed. In fact, they will annoy it. They prefer routine. They are generally pleasant if they are not beautiful, and their personality will match. Intentional, easy, leisurely, stable and natural is how they work. They are stabilizers of the zodiac and can be calm and soothing during a crisis. They cannot be very up or down, but can emit when needed for entertainment.
Gemini Rising There is a narrow head that is often longer than normal. Sometimes it is normal in length, but tape for a narrow chin. Often there is a high forehead, and the eyes can be different from average. This is one of those signs that can allow a person to look younger than his real age.
Their energy is generally lateral, even scattered, receptive, communication, quick and variable (until sufficient Earth or water factors cool it). The voice can be alternately calm and loud, growing and falling easily in the pitch or volume.
The eyes and movements of the hands are quick and diverse, and thinking and speech are faster and more diverse than cancer or Taurus. They are cautious and agitated over the average organs, hands and feet. The fingers are usually longer than the average. They are going to talk and if they are confident about their audience, communication may dominate. They can usually occur only when their hands and thoughts focus on a task such as writing, typing, or crafts or artistic creativity. They have intellectual interests, but have a lot of energy in the nervous system, which is not physically active, even if only gesture or walking. They bring for people around interest, curiosity, ease and diversity and can be attractive with their intellect and quick fashioned reply.
Cancer growing There is a round or oval shaped face. The mouth becomes wide and is usually a feeling, sympathetic form on the face.
Their energy is the Centralpatl-Socance (out-outside), introverted, sensitive, receptive, frugal, alert or conservative, protective, nutrition. They can suit the needs of others and public opinion, but may be moody and variable in their sensitivity (unless enough Earth/Stable Factors Interfere). His approach is subconscious and comfortable. The voice is usually modest in the volume and their speeches are mitted. This sign is often indicated on ascending on Leo, which is from the specific tendency to focus on words before responding or bumbling them (so as not to get angry), or allow subconscious slip.
The skin is usually soft and the eyes will reflect this tenderness instead of sharp or intensity. The shoulders are often rounded, with some time the shoulder is mixed. They can look karub or innocent, even similar to the child. These people are generally introverted, looking for a place of respect. They normally avoid collision and have more impact behind the curtains, control in control with the support of others. Whether they maintain a close bond with their birth family, proximity and support are still important and the family has great impact on how they are related to the world. Do not expect the strength of logic behind their actions. Sympathy and unity are more likely.
Leo Rising There is a rectangular or square head.
Honor, integrity, courage, directness and honesty are balanced Leo Rising person’s values. Energy is the one who wants to be recognized or dealt with. They can have a crude and loud approach (unless there is humility of water or earth factors) or royal effects, but will not be ignored. If the sound of loud is soft or commanding, the voice can be very attractive. Many people are capable of great versions that resonate from the chest, thus many actors and singers with this ascending signal.
Men do baldness. Eyes are often large or bulging, but can be particularly attractive and magnetic. Eyes are widely spread more often than any other sign. Men can have a barrel chest and there may be a large movement with many women, but whatever details are there, there is a strong, commanding appearance or an idol about them, whether thin or heavy. The frame is often large and the body is strong, even blocked, but some long and more athletic. Some are taken off in such a way that the chest is proudly pushing out. The upper body is emphasized with many people while the feet are thin and knee naik. They know that they can be someone, but some can be very difficult in their ambition. They are natural leaders who increase vitality and quantity.
Virgo There is a taping head which is sometimes clearly a V-shaped. Cranium is large, if only the OCCPIL area, and the forehead can be greater than normal, but the head reaches a small mouth with a minor lips. Often the mouth is very small for all adult teeth to burst properly.
Their energy is introverted, at least early in life, but in turn like other mutated signals, so the voice softens rather than loudly or sharp (until fire/air factors change this pattern) And there may be nasal quality. This details are oriented to small-me cases of being finishers of enterprises initiated by good polisters or others initiated by others. It is important for flaws with deep eye and how to correct them. Many authors have this signal and focuses someone’s cognitive awareness on processing before communicating externally.
The chin may look less chopped than a full triangle. The nose usually has a pinch of bridge and is often straight and bottom-bind. Eyes are closer and smaller than any Leo rising together. They are short to long, but are usually thin, even wire body, at least when young. They are expanded, healthy, health-oriented, honest, and want to get things correct. These people are practical, but opportunistic. They can be physically susceptible and should take measures to maintain their health with exercise, diet etc. Some have strong formation and are gifted to athletes. His accuracy will appear in his athletic approach. This increasing signal is most likely to delay sexual participation or marriage.