March 21-April 19
The relief you may feel after getting your thoughts off your chest may be overshadowed by some of the hazy feelings following the retrograde, ARISYour domestic sector becomes active and family issues may emerge. Just when you thought you had matured and grown out of childhood patterns, it may now rear its head again.
20 April-20 May
Clearing space for a healthy outlook around money and savings is important, and even if that’s all you’ve worked on during the past few days, aisle five of your psyche could use a little more clearing, TAURUSSince the Moon is now moving into your communication sector, this may be the perfect time to have important conversations about values you’ve left behind in recent weeks.
May 21-June 20
Oh, Gemini—You’re finally on the other side of both a recent retrograde in your ruler and a full moon in your sign. It’s enough! But you are beginning to process all of this, integrating the deeper lessons into your life, every day, and in the most practical way. As the Moon enters your money sector today, you can apply that knowledge to finances.
June 21-July 22
The Moon is in your emotional, hyper-sensitive sign, which means all eyes are on you. So even though this is your phase of peak energy and some things should start going your way, you may be a little overwhelmed with all the attention, cancerIf the full moon startled you over the weekend, feel free to step away from the spotlight.
23 July-22 August
The last few days have been extremely turbulent for your social life, leoAnd there’s probably a lot of drama already unfolding under the auspices of the Full Moon in your friendship sector. Now that lunar energy is flooding your home of relaxation and retreat, consider stepping away from group chats and focusing only on yourself.
23 August-22 September
If professional pressures have finally gotten to you thanks to the Full Moon in your status sector this weekend, you can now officially take a break from it all, VirgoYou may feel quite sensitive about your friendships, but that’s why you should try to reach out and be as authentic as possible when it comes to your best friends.
23 September-22 October
If you’ve been living too close to the edge this weekend thanks to the full moon in your adventure zone, you have a good excuse to pull up your elegant AF bootstraps and get serious about your career. You may feel more passionate about the meaning of your work, Libra—Making an impact on the world matters to you now.
23 October-21 November
lunar energy is intense Thanks to the Full Moon in your transformation zone this past weekend, you’re probably still figuring out what all those changes in your life will feel like. But now that the Moon has moved into your adventure zone, you can begin to take advantage of your sense of freedom and curiosity, scorpio,
22 November–21 December
Your relationships have been under the microscope and in the spotlight at the same time, archerThe full moon has given you some space to release all that, and now that the lunar energy has moved into your sexuality zone, you can take the lessons you’ve learned into a more intimate place.
22 December-19 January
This is a good time to have an in-depth conversation with a partner about the state of your connection, CapricornOn the other side of the Full Moon and Mercury retrograde, your head is clearer, your heart is more open, and your ability to express your emotions remains intact. The Moon has moved into your relationship sector, and you may be sensitive about the subject, so try not to take out your feelings on your lover.
20 January-18 February
Work, work and more work is on your plate today due to the presence of the Moon in your scheduling sector. You may be overwhelmed by the length and breadth of your Monday to-do list, but try to take a deep breath and organize your tasks into manageable pieces. And don’t forget to move your body, AquariusThis is as important as your deadline at this time.
February 19-March 20
Love, romance and joy, oh my god! The Moon has arrived in your fifth house of pleasure, bringing you sweet relief after some emotionally bewildering days. Now is the time to accept the gifts that the universe wants to give you, PiscesSo eat candy, take naps, and just do whatever feels good and easy.